Al Mukalla Water Supply and Wastewater Collection
- Client
Local Corporation for Water Supply and Sanitation Hadramout Governorate Coastal Areas
- Location
Al Mukalla, Yemen
- Project Sector
Major Developments

Construction of Wastewater Collection Network
Design review, tendering, additional design services, supervision of construction
Al Mukalla is an active seaport located on the Arabian Sea coast, on the southern shores of the Republic of Yemen. It is the fifth largest city in Yemen and the seat of Hadramout Governorate. The project consisted of the following individual contracts:
MUKCW-1 included:
Diagnosis of current situation for the existing wellfields
Surface geophysical investigation for the Flik Wellfield, drilling of 4 production and 1 piezometer wells in Flik wellfield, and 2 production and 1 piezometer wells in Zamen wellfield, test pumping and water quality analysis
MUKCW-2 included:
Construction of wastewater collection network, 150-400mm diameter PVC and GRP pipes, in an area of about 400 hectares
Rehabilitation of old Mukalla wastewater collection network and construction of wastewater collection network, including house connections
Construction of wastewater treatment works (oxidation ponds) for a capacity of 2 x 7,000 m3/day
Construction of trunk mains of about 4 km in length with diameters of 500 - 600 mm, and of pumping mains of about 13 km in length with diameters of 300 - 500 mm
Construction of 3 wastewater pumping stations, PS 16B, PS17 and PS19, and rehabilitation of the existing wastewater pumping station PS16A
MUKCW-3 included:
Construction of wastewater collection network of about 75 km length with diameters of 150 - 300 mm
Construction of two wastewater pumping stations PS20A and PS20B
MUKCW-4 included:
Construction of sewage treatment plant and sanitation system