July 27, 2023
AJi Stakeholder Engagement Session: Updating the ASEZ Master Plan 2023-2040
On the 12th and the 13th of July 2023, AJi and Pacific Consultants organized a two-day workshop under the umbrella of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) and the Japan International Development Agency (JICA) for the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Project of Updating ASEZ Master Plan for the year 2023-2040.
The purpose of this significant project is to update and reformulate the ASEZ Master Plan targeting 2040, and to stimulate contribution toward economic, social, and environmental development in ASEZ, and towards the development and modernization of ASEZ region infrastructure, signalling the importance of attracting future investments.
The ASEZ Master Plan aims to develop a visionary strategic roadmap that will elevate ASEZ as a recognized coastal city of innovation, industrial and sustainable development. The updated plan will encompass strategic initiatives, smart city enhancements, and tourism attraction strategies that will propel the region forward, attracting investment and stimulating growth.
By leveraging ASEZ's unique geographical advantage, and harnessing technological advancements, this project aims to unlock ASEZ's full potential, creating a vibrant, thriving ecosystem for businesses, residents, and visitors alike.
During the two-day conference, AJi actively led and facilitated dynamic, intensive scoping sessions with a diverse group of major stakeholders. We engaged in crucial in-depth discussions and brainstorming sessions to analyse and understand the region’s current conditions, and address the concerns of stakeholders.
These collaborative efforts produced fruitful results, as we were able to work together to identify key opportunities, challenges, and areas of growth that will shape the future of the ASEZ region, nurturing and developing it into a thriving economic zone.
At present, AJi, along with ASEZA and PCKK, are in the process of developing and updating a comprehensive strategy and development plan for the City of Aqaba, outlining the necessary framework and unique targets required to expand the city and encourage growth and investment. This plan will enable a quantum leap for social, economic and environmental aspects of the city, producing a dynamic, prosperous economic and residential environment.
AJi would like to thank all attendees at the conference for their attendance and valuable contributions, and look forward to the continued growth and success of the ASEZ Master Plan.