Irbid Ring Road

  • Client

    Ministry of Public Works and Housing

  • Location

    Irbid, Jordan

  • Project Sector

    Highway and Road Design

Reconnaissance and Assessment for Irbid Ring Road

Reconnaissance, preliminary and final design, environmental assessment, traffic study and pavement design, economic feasibility, and tender documents

Irbid ring road, which is approximately 54 kilometres in length, stretches about one kilometre before it intersects with the Irbid - Amman Road. Beyond the intersection, the road extends in a northerly direction, east of the Azmi Al Mufti refugee camp and east of As Sarih, before it crosses the Irbid - Huwwara road. Then it takes a northwesterly direction, crossing three more radial roads, Bushra - Ramtha, Irbid - Mughayyir Road, and Marwu Road. The road runs north of Marru until it connects with Irbid - Bayt Ras Road at the intersection of the road to Umm Qais, at the Al Maqarin intersection.

There are ten Interchanges proposed on Irbid ring road:

• Amman Interchange

• Huwwara Interchange

• Ramtha Interchange

• Maqarin Interchange

• Um Al Jadayil Interchange

• North Shuneh Interchange

• Inner Ring Road Interchange

• Ajlun Interchange

• Aydun Interchange

• Al Husun Interchange

There are six underpasses crossing Irbid Ring Road: 

• Crossing with Al’aal Road (1)

• Crossing with Al’aal Road (2)

• Crossing with Zahar, Jijjin and Dogara Road Crossing with Old Shuneh Road

• Crossing with Quarry Road

• Crossing with Shatana Road

• Extension of existing underpass on the existing North Shuneh - Irbid Road to underpass Ramp D on the North Shuneh Interchange

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