Civil Works Contract for Salahdeen Governorate

  • Client

    Ministry of Water Resources

  • Location

    Salahdeen, Iraq

  • Project Sector

    Water Transmission Distribution

Rehabilitation of Irrigation Systems

Review of contractor’s implementation programme and work schedule

The project aimed to enhance the irrigation systems across Salahdeen, Iraq. These were the five major project works that were implemented:

  1. Repair of the Dejla irrigation scheme, which included repairing the main channel, culverts, cross-regulators, and pumping station.

  2. Repair of the Rasasi irrigation scheme through the construction and rehabilitation of culverts, head regulators, syphons, escapes, bridges, and cleaning channels.

  3. Repair of the Alam irrigation scheme, including the main channel, flumes, gates, bridges, and refurbishing the pumping station.

  4. Repair of the Boujail irrigation scheme, including the main channel, pumping station and operators building, and constructing footbridges.

  5. Repair of the Dhuluiya irrigation scheme, including the main channel, culverts, regulators, and refurbishing the pumping station.

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