Expansion of North Aqaba Wastewater Treatment Plant

  • Client

    USAID/Aqaba Water Company

  • Location

    Aqaba, Jordan

  • Project Sector

    Major Developments

Document Preparation for Design-Build-Operate

Environmental audit, site visits, development of QHSE audit reports

The scope of work included preparing contract documents for design-build-operate, to be used by the contractor. It included the process design for a 28,000 cubic metre-per-day conventional activated sludge plant, preparation of conditions of the contract, basis of design report, bills of quantities, and technical requirements.

Project components included operating and maintaining all facilities, including the existing mechanical treatment plant for a five-year period. The preliminary and detailed design and construction for North Aqaba wastewater treatment plant were included in the project, along with associated wastewater sludge treatment facilities. Investigation and the work required to refurbish the existing mechanical treatment plant were also conducted, and existing natural ponds were emptied, dried, and maintained for emergency use.

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